What to expect when you visit:

When you come to St. Matthew you will see people! People who want to grow in God’s Word and in their faith, people who want to grow at living their faith. You will see people who have sinned and need forgiveness. You will see people who are new to St. Matthew or Christianity and some who come from families that have been here for generations. Although we all have different stories, we are a family of believers.  

But most of all, when you come to St. Matthew we hope you see Jesus. Jesus is the reason we are forgiven. Jesus is the reason we have heaven. Jesus is the reason we believe. Jesus is the center of everything we do at St. Matthew.

We hope you join us and become a part of our family of believers!

​​Common Concerns:​

"How should I dress?"
Sometimes people wonder how they are expected to dress at a church they have never visited before. Since the Bible gives no dress code, aside from simple decency and Christian humility, St. Matthew doesn’t make any rules either. On any weekend at our church you may see suits and jeans, high heels and tennis shoes, t-shirts and ties.

"Do I have to give money?"
The members of St. Matthew have joined together to carry out and support with their financial offerings the missions and ministries of our congregation. When you visit, you are our guests. Please do not feel obligated to make a contribution.

“I can't find my way around this church.”
​Always feel free to ask for directions. We would love to

assist you.

I'm New Here

We pray that this has helped answer some of your questions and alleviate your fears.  Our goals as a congregation are quite simple. We want to grow in faith and to share that faith with those people in this community that don't have a church home where they feel comfortable.  Everything we do is meant to accomplish these two goals.  Our families look forward to worshiping God with you.

We are confident that you will find our worship very meaningful for your life.
In addition to the wonderful news that God has for us in the Bible, you will also be uplifted by the beautiful music of our choir, the beautiful setting of our church building, and the love of God as depicted by our members.

God's blessings to you, and we look forward to seeing you in church.

"What about my kids?"
The sounds of little children are the sounds of a church that's alive!
We love those sounds! And, ideally, you want your kids to worship with you so they can learn from your example.

During the service, we have a children's sermon where Pastor shares God's Word with the children at their level. Following that, children ages 3 through 5th grade can attend Sunday School in the fellowship hall from 9:00-9:30 where they can learn Bible stories and do fun activities or crafts. 

“I would just die if they made me stand up and say something.”

We are not here to embarrass you. We want you to feel comfortable and at home with us. We want you to enjoy your worship. We will do all we can to help you learn about your Savior. Please do take the opportunity to introduce yourself to others and to the pastor if they did not get a chance to talk to you before entering.

“I'll feel out of place.”

Whenever you go to a new surrounding, it’s natural to feel out of place. Hopefully this website will ease some of your concerns. But don’t feel bad about telling someone that you’re new and may need some help. They will be happy to do so. We all were new at one point.

“I see people attending Holy Communion. Should I go up?” 
​Out of love for you and love for God's Word, we would ask that you not come up until you and Pastor Johns have had an opportunity to talk about it.

“I don't know much about this religion thing.”

We want to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible and faith in Jesus. Worship is one way to do that. We also encourage you to take a Bible Information Class with the pastor on your schedule. Just give him a call (or email) to set one up! (928-200-1827 or church@trinitycoleman.org)